Thursday, October 18, 2012

So... I failed a 40-item Java test

First off, for the last 2 years, I have been working with the WebSphere family of products. Even though most of those products are based on J2EE (Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition), to be honest I haven't been doing much Java programming for that 2-year duration. With this, I have to say that my Java skills are very very rusty.

So, earlier today, I was browsing through this site which has exams on it and clicked on the Java test. I didn't really know what I was thinking  and I wasn't trying to prove anything. All I know was that I knew Java and I wanted to test myself.

As I took the test one question after another, I slowly realized that I don't really have an answer for most of questions. To top it off, there are concepts and code snippets that are new to me and I haven't seen before. Java 1.5 was the version that I was last able to work with and that was 2 years ago. Now, I don't even know what version of Java there is. So, after the last question, I knew that I was bound to fail the test and I did with a total score of 52%. 

I got lazy in answering some of the questions. Most of them I just didn't have an answer for. I still can't believe that I got 0% on Classes and IO and that I got 100% on Threads. A 33% on OOP is a shame, I should know this by heart and get a 100% on it. 67% on Applets? Heck, I don't even do applets. 

I don't want to make excuses here. I failed and that's on me because I ignored Java for a while now. But, failing the test doesn't mean I can't understand or speak the language anymore. I bet if you ask me to do a program using Java, I can still make you a rough version of what you wanted me to do (hahahaha). All things said, from now on, I will do myself some little case-study projects on the side to keep my skills up to date. Who knows, after 30 days and I'm allowed to take the test again, I might pass it that time around! If I still don't, I have to bang my head against the wall three times again and work on it for another 30 days until I pass it. 

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