Friday, June 27, 2014

(J2EE) WebSphere User Registry lookup and password check

 // Establish connection with the WebSphere user registry
 javax.naming.InitialContext initialContext = new javax.naming.InitialContext(); registry = (
             .UserRegistry) initialContext.lookup("UserRegistry");

 // Retrieves the user from the UserRegistry, if the user is not found
 // an EntryNotFoundException will be encountered
 String uniqueID = registry.getUniqueUserId(username);
 String uid =
             .getUserFromUniqueID (uniqueID);
 // Retrieve the securityName for the checkPassword method
 String securityName = registry.getUserSecurityName(uid);
  * Ignore warning, checkPassword returns string if securityName and 
  * password are correct otherwise, it throws a PasswordCheckFailedException
 String passwordCheck = registry.checkPassword(securityName, password);
 // IF and when no exceptions were encountered, authentication is successful
 // --- insert things-to-do-once-authenticated code here ---
catch (EntryNotFoundException enfe)
 // User is not in the registry
 System.out.println("Invalid username/password");
catch (PasswordCheckFailedException pcfe)
 // User is in the registry but the password is not right
 System.out.println("Invalid username/password");
catch (Exception e)
 // Catch all scenario
 System.out.println("Oh snap! Some shit just happened.");

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